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11/12-13関東ブロック大会 in 川越(平成28年度関東ブロック青少年国際交流を考える集い)​

IYEO International AssembLY 




This internal exchange event(from Nov. 12th to Nov.13th) enables you to establish bonds beyond cultural backgrounds, countries, and generations. In Kawagoe, a city known as "Little Edo", we will enjoy various sessions and activities such as "Cultural Experiences", ”Local Cuisine tasting," Japanese night festival " ," Local tours" and so on. Anyone can join this unique event, and your participation is highly welcomed!​ (※The programs are mainly conducted in Japanese.)


​DAY1(Nov 12th Sat) @川越東武ホテル(kawagoe-Tobu Hotel)

​12:30~ 受付      Reception

13:30~ 開会式     Opening Ceremony

​14:00~ 基調講演「拡げよう!川越発イモづる式国際交流の輪」

Keynote speech "Building the international exchange networks ” 

   ​(講師:東京国際大学名誉教授 Barry Duell, Emeritus professor of Tokyo International University)


Kawagoe city was traditionally a famous production center of sweet potato, but once faced a crisis of diminishment of the “potato culture”. Professor Barry Duell, an American who loves potato and locals, will talk about how he had broken the glass ceiling, deepened mutual understanding with local residents, and revitalized "Potato Culture" . 

15:30~17:30 分科会    Cultural Program 

※下記A~Eから1つ選択 Choose 1program from A~E.

​A:時代を超える 川越イモ巡りの旅(講師:東京国際大学名誉教授 ベーリ・デュエル氏)


A. "Kawagoe Potato Tour " (By Professor Barry Duell)

We will feel and taste “the culture and history of Potato in Kawagoe ” by walking around the traditional city. In addition to eating the confession made of the sweet potatoes, we will wll visit the memorial house and “ Myouzenji Temples(妙善寺), where a memorial service for potatos is held every year.

​B.カラダで感じろ、日本の祭り (講師:マツリーズム代表 大原学氏)


B. " Feel the Japanese Festival"  (by Manabu Ohara, Chairman of Matourism)

As a lecturer, we will invite Manabu Ohara, the Chairman of Matourism, who has travelled around Japan and participated many local festivals (matsuri). In the first half of the session, we will find and discuss the charm and the challenges of local festivals. In the second half, we will learn and try “Bon-dance(Japanese traditional dance) ” together. 



C.Traditons, challenges and charms of Japanese Sake Culture

(by Makoto Ishii, the 8th head of Ishii brewery, Master Brewer Kengo Wakuda)


Ishii-Shuzo is a famous Japanese Sake brewery, which is often introduced by various media. Ishii-Shuzo not only carries on the traditions of its founding in 1840 but also tries innovative approaches such as cloud-funding, a duel with other Brewery and so on. We will discuss and send a message about what youths can do.



D. "Creating your own Japanse candle, the ancient light" 

We will visit the craft center in Kawagoe, one of the few places where you can enjoy creating your own Japanese candle. Please feel the difference between Japanese candle and the one in your country, and making it as a souvenir.

E.家族プログラム(親子、中高生参加可) 〜心も体もリラックス〜ダンスムーブメントセラピー 

(講師:長谷川病院ダンスセラピスト・臨床心理士 峰岸由香 氏)


E.〜Relaxing your mind and body by "Dance movement therapy"

 (by Yuka Minegishi, Dance Therapist and clinical psychotherapist of Hasegawa Hospital)

“Dance movement therapy” will help you get rid of the stress and deepen understandings on you and others. Regardless of your skills of dancing, ages and genders, you can communicate and create bonds with each other, and bring out the positive change.

19:00~21:00   夕食会  Dinner party                

夕食会テーマ:秋の夜祭  Night festival in autumn

地元埼玉の郷土料理を含む、秋の味覚を味わいながら、様々な形で地域、世界、世代間の絆を感じられる夜祭です。 茶道体験や、日本酒試飲で文化を肌で感じ、世界のダンス紹介で会場に華をそえます。最後には参加者全員で円を作って盆踊りを踊り、その場にいる人たちとの一体感を共有します。

This dinner party will make you feel the atmosphere of Night festival by eating various foods including local delicacies of the season, enjoying  activities such as "Tea ceremony", "Japanese Sake tasting", " Dance of the world".
At the end of the party, all the participants  will make circles and dance “Bon-dance” together, and share the feeling of unity.


Advance reservations are required for accomodation.(Click here)

​DAY2(Nov 13th Sun) @ウェスタ川越 Westa Kawagoe

9:30~   シンポジウム Symposium              


~Lookig back the past, thinking abouth the future~
Thorough the symposium, we will look back and share what we’ve got thorough the past international exchange activities such as invaluable friendships, memorable experiences and lessons. Also, we will discuss what we can do for the local community and the world.

​11:00~ 閉会式    Closing ceremony 

12:00~16:00 地域理解研修  Local Tours 




Optional local tour① "Walking tour of Kawagoe town"

This tour will take you to the historical sites and fine restaurants of Kawagoe city . We will enjoy the exotic sceneries such as old Japanese style warehouses , and delicious local cuisines.

地域理解研修② 日韓歴史探求「高麗郡(こまぐん)1300年」ゆかりの地訪問


Optional local tour②" Koma County historical tour"

1300 years ago, at the beginning of Nara period, 1799 people from Kokuri(An ancient Korea state) had gathered and Koma County was established in this land. We will make clear the facts and mysteries of the history by visiting “Koma Jinja Shrine” and Shouten-in Temple.

This is must-visit tour for those who like history .

© 2016 埼玉IYEO

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